SAP industry solutions offered by Innovabee.

Based on SAP S/4HANA, we offer pre­con­fi­gu­red indus­try packa­ges for the che­mi­cal, cos­me­tics and food indus­try. They ensu­re a lean imple­men­ta­ti­on and gua­ran­tee that all important indus­try requi­re­ments are cover­ed.

Industry-specific standards

Here are the ans­wers to your market’s chal­lenges: best prac­ti­ces, cross-com­pa­ny pro­ces­ses and com­pli­ance gui­de­lines.

Pre-configured processes

Right from the begin­ning, you start with pro­ces­ses that have been tho­rough­ly tes­ted and have pro­ven effi­ci­ent in prac­ti­cal use – thanks to their com­pre­hen­si­ve func­tion­a­li­ty. All this makes them high­ly secu­re, easy to deploy and afforda­ble.

Consultants with industry experience

Our spe­cia­lists have a high level of pro­cess know­ledge and a wealth of expe­ri­ence gai­ned in many suc­cessful­ly  imple­men­ted pro­jects. They are always the­re to help you – from kick-off to deli­very and bey­ond.


the ERP solu­ti­on for the food indus­try »


the ERP solu­ti­on for the cos­me­tics indus­try »


the ERP solu­ti­on for the che­mi­cal indus­try »


the ERP solu­ti­on for the con­su­mer goods indus­try »