the ERP solution for the consumer goods industry

It pays to choose SAP

Cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic pro­ducts, incre­asing pri­ce pres­su­re and more deman­ding cus­to­mers — the con­su­mer goods indus­try is chan­ging with glo­bal mar­kets. Suc­cessful manu­fac­tu­r­ers rely on new busi­ness models, an opti­mi­zed ran­ge, effi­ci­ent sup­p­ly chains and stan­dar­di­zed, auto­ma­ted pro­ces­ses. With Inno­va­con­sum, our ERP soft­ware for manu­fac­tu­r­ers of con­su­mer goods, you ali­gn your busi­ness pro­ces­ses with the­se requi­re­ments and can act quick­ly and dyna­mi­cal­ly on the mar­ket. Our solu­ti­on sup­ports you con­sis­t­ent­ly and trans­par­ent­ly, e.g. with inte­gra­ted plan­ning pro­ces­ses, com­pre­hen­si­ve EDI com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on in real time.

Zitatbild Sonnentracht
Kunden Logo Pyua

“Inno­v­a­bee con­vin­ced us with its pre­con­fi­gu­red indus­try solu­ti­on Inno­va­food, which fits our requi­re­ments very well. We were also impres­sed by the Inno­v­a­bee pro­ject team, which con­sists of con­sul­tants with many years of expe­ri­ence in the food indus­try.”

Dr. Tho­rid Klant­s­chitsch
CEO, Zee­lan­dia GmbH & Co. KG

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Stern-Wywiol Gruppe
Kunden_Logo_Stern Wywiol_400x160

“We deci­ded for Inno­v­a­bee as an SAP part­ner becau­se of its high level of indus­try exper­ti­se in two of our core indus­tries: the food indus­try and the oleo­che­mi­cal indus­try.”

Tim Zell
Aut­ho­ri­zed repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, Stern-Wywi­ol Grup­pe

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Pre-configured industrial processes

Indus­try-spe­ci­fic pro­ces­ses are part of the stan­dard fea­tures included in Inno­va­con­sum. Local and inter­na­tio­nal legal requi­re­ments are cover­ed 100 per­cent. For you, this means mini­mum effort and maxi­mum secu­ri­ty — at an extre­me­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve fixed pri­ce.

Support from our industry specialists

Our con­sul­tants look back on num­e­rous pro­jects at manu­fac­tu­r­ers of con­su­mer goods and are fami­li­ar with indus­try-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments. On this basis, they imple­ment your pro­ject quick­ly and safe­ly and show you how to make the best of your SAP solu­ti­on.

Comprehensive functions

Inno­va­con­sum, our solu­ti­on for the con­su­mer goods indus­try, is alre­a­dy con­vin­cing in the stan­dard ver­si­on with its high func­tion­a­li­ty and distinc­ti­ve indus­try pro­ces­ses. We adapt this stan­dard to the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of your com­pa­ny in the cour­se of its intro­duc­tion.

Our customers from the consumer goods industry